
The winter issue of Overland Journal is at press! One of the articles, “A New Eldorado in California, 1849,” is a chapter from a book that I worked on last year. California Through Russian Eyes, 1806–1848, compiled, translated, and edited by James R. Gibson, is volume 2 in the Arthur H. Clark Company series Early California Commentaries, which is edited by my frequent collaborators Rose Marie Beebe and Robert M. Senkewicz.

About the cover image: Louis Choris, Canis ochropus [latrans] (Coyote), 1818, watercolor. From Eschscholtz, Zoologischer Atlas, plate XI. From 1815 to 1818, Choris, a Russian artist, accompanied a scientific exploration voyage that spent nearly a month in California. While there, Choris sketched and painted a series of plant and animal species, including this realistic interpretation of the coyote. Courtesy of the Alaska and Polar Regions Collections, Rasmuson Library, University of Alaska-Fairbanks.

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